Provides a survey of up-to-date technologies for remediation, as well as a step-by-step guide to pollution assessment for both ground and surface waters. It also defines groundwater, aquifers and surface water and discusses the physical properties of soils, liquids, vadose zones and aquifers.
Principles of Groundwater FlowGroundwater and AquifersFundamental Equations of Groundwater FlowConfined AquifersUnconfined AquifersCombined Confined and Unconfined FlowHydraulics of WellsTwo-Dimensional ProblemsNonsteady (Transient) FlowDetermining Aquifer CharacteristicsDesign ConsiderationsInterface FlowPrinciples of Groundwater ContaminationCauses and Sources of ContaminationFate of Contaminants in GroundwaterTransport of Contaminants in GroundwaterGroundwater Investigation and MonitoringInitial Site AssessmentSubsurface Site InvestigationGroundwater Cleanup and RemediationSoil Treatment TechnologiesPump-and-Treat TechnologiesIn Situ Treatment TechnologiesStorm Water Pollutant ManagementIntegrated Storm Water ProgramNonpoint Source PollutionBest Management PracticesField Monitoring ProgramsDischarge Treatment