Horticultural Reviews presents state-of-the-art reviews on topics in horticultural science and technology covering both basic and applied research. Topics covered include the horticulture of fruits, vegetables, nut crops, and ornamentals. These review articles, written by world authorities, bridge the gap between the specialized researcher and the broader community of horticultural scientists and teachers.
Contributors. Dedication: Donald N. Maynard (Allen V. Barker). 1. The Global Flower Bulb Industry: Production, Utilization, Research (Maarten Benschop, Rina Kamenetsky, Marcel Le Nard, Hiroshi Okubo, and August De Hertogh). I. Introduction. II. Historical Perspectives. III. Globalization of the World Flower Bulb Industry 7 IV. Major Areas of Research. V. Major Flower Bulb Organizations. VI. Conclusions and Future Research. Acknowledgments. Literature Cited 2. The Bananas: Botany, Origin, Dispersal (N. M. Nayar). I. Introduction. II. Botany. III. Origin and Evolution. IV. Dispersal. V. Summary and Inferences. Acknowledgments. Literature Cited. 3. Genetic Diversity of Cucumis Melo (Yosef Burger, Harry S. Paris, Ron Cohen, Nurit Katzir, Yaakov Tadmor, Efraim Lewinsohn, and Arthur A. Schaffer). I. Introduction. II. Origin and Domestication. III. Historical Records. IV. Classification. V. Molecular Polymorphism. VI. Variability in Fruit Characteristics. VII. Variation in Response to Diseases. VIII. Prospects. Acknowledgments. Literature Cited. 4. Dogroses: Botany, Horticulture, Genetics, and Breeding (Gun Werlemark and Hilde Nybom). I. Introduction. II. Taxonomy. III. Utilization. IV. Production. V. Genetics and Breeding. VI. Summary. Literature Cited. 5. Biochemical and Practical Views of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus-Host Association in Horticultural Crops (Hinanit Koltai, Vijay Gadkar, and Yoram Kapulnik). I. Introduction. II. Life Cycle of AM Fungi. III. Chemical Analyses of the Presymbiotic Stage of the AMF-Host Interaction. IV. Molecular Analyses of the Presymbiotic Phase of the AMF-Host Interaction. V. Application of AMF in Horticultural Crops. VI. Conclusions. Literature Cited. 6. Sustainability of Organic Horticulture (Michael Raviv). Abbreviations. I. Defining Sustainability. II. Organic Horticulture. III. How Sustainable is Organic Horticulture? IV. Knowledge Gaps and Required Future Research. V. Conclusions. Literature Cited. Subject Index. Cumulative Subject Index. Cumulative Contributor Index.