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Academic & Professional Books  Evolutionary Biology  Human Evolution

Human Mitochondrial DNA and the Evolution of Homo sapiens

Edited By: Hans-Jürgen Bandelt, Vincent Macaulay and Martin Richards
271 pages, 31 illus., 1 in colour
Publisher: Springer Nature
Human Mitochondrial DNA and the Evolution of Homo sapiens
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  • Human Mitochondrial DNA and the Evolution of Homo sapiens ISBN: 9783540317883 Hardback May 2006 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Price: £129.99
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About this book

Mitochondrial DNA is one of the most explored genetic systems because of what it can tell us about the human past. This volume takes a unique perspective, presenting the disparate strands that must be tied together to exploit this system. From molecular biology to anthropology, statistics to ancient DNA, this first volume of three presents the global picture of human mitochondrial DNA variation. It takes a critical look at the field, flagging the problems, as well as the successes, and always placing the mitochondrial phylogeny centre stage.


Prerequisites and caveats. Mitochondrial DNA in Homo sapiens.The transmission and segregation of mitochondrial DNA in Homo sapiens. Numts revisited. Estimation of mutation rates and coalescence times: some caveats. Postmortem damage of mitochondrial DNA. Lab-specific mutation processes.- Evolution of human mtDNA. The world mtDNA phylogeny. The pioneer settlement of modern humans in Asia. Ancient DNA and the Neanderthals. A model for the dispersal of modern humans out of Africa.

Customer Reviews

Edited By: Hans-Jürgen Bandelt, Vincent Macaulay and Martin Richards
271 pages, 31 illus., 1 in colour
Publisher: Springer Nature
Media reviews

Aus den Rezensionen: "! Die Regel ist ja: Aus Buchern konnen bestenfalls Laien etwas lernen, fur Fachleute sind sie Schnee von gestern. Es gibt jedoch Ausnahmen. Dieses Buch ist eine. ! Bandelt et al. haben jeden Schritt des mtDNA Sequenzierungsprozesses auf Fehler untersucht, diese in ein System gebracht und ! klassifizert. ! Sie nennen auch diejenigen, die ihrer Ansicht nach die Fehler gemacht haben. Die Liste ist lang ! Schade, dass die, die es angeht, dieses Buch wahrscheinlich nie in die Hand nehmen werden." (Hubert Rehm, in: Laborjournal, 2008, Issue 1-2, S. 82 f.)

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