About this book
Climate change is currently at the centre of scientific and political debate, and the need for well-designed international climate policies is widely recognized. Despite this, the complexity of both the climate change problem and the international negotiation process has resulted in a large number of outstanding issues which still require attention. The authors of this book attempt to address and resolve some of the problems which have remained on the climate change agenda, without serious action, for far too long. The authors contribute to the many discussions on international climate policy and provide an in-depth analysis of the main characteristics of the problem of climate change. They highlight the various potential solutions to the problem and their consequences, and look at the development and implementation of the international climate regime. Adopting a long-term perspective, they pay particular attention to the economic, institutional, political and social aspects of climate change, and to the role of NGOs in the negotiation process.
Options for international climate policies - towards an effective regime, Ekko van Ierland, Joyeeta Gupta, Marcel Kok; why reduce greenhouse gas emissions? reasons, issue-linkages and dilemmas, Joyeeta Gupta, Richard S.J. Tol; challenges of future climate policy - what can be expected?, Ton Manders, Richard S.J. Tol; global trends and climate change policies, Peter Nijkamp, Harmen Verbruggen; climate change policy in changing contexts - globalization, political modernization and legal innovation, Henk Addink, Bas Arts, Arthur Mol; policies and measures in international climate policy - price versus quantity, C.J. Jepma, J. Bandsma; the Kyoto mechanisms - economic potential, environmental problems and political barriers, Edwin Woerdman, Wytze van der Gaast, Ton Manders, Andries Nentjes; terrestrial carbon sinks and biomass in international climate policies, Jelle G. van Minnen, Ekko van Ierland, Gert-Jan Nabuurs; comprehensive approaches to differentiation of future climate commitments - some options compared, Marcel M. Berk, Joyeeta Gupta and Jaap C. Jansen; linkages between the climate change regime and the international trade regime, Onno Kuik, Richard Tol, David Grimeaud; elaborating an international compliance regime under the Kyoto Protocol, Juliette van der Jagt; between "curbing the trends" and "business as usual" - NGOs in international climate change policies, Bas Arts, Jos Czijnsen; climate options for the long term - possible strategies, Bert Metz, Arthur Mol, Magnus Andersson, Marcel Berk, Jelle van Minnen, Willemijn Tuinstra.
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