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Academic & Professional Books  Organismal to Molecular Biology  General Biology

Kaplan AP Biology 2014-2015

Textbook Out of Print
By: Linda Brooke Stabler(Author), Mark Metz(Author), Paul Gier(Author), Alison Wilkes(Author)
336 pages, black & white illustrations
Kaplan AP Biology 2014-2015
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  • Kaplan AP Biology 2014-2015 ISBN: 9781618652614 Paperback Feb 2014 Out of Print #212546
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About this book

Kaplan AP Biology 2014-2015 is intended for high school students studying for the AP Biology exam.

The Advanced Placement exam preparation guide that delivers 75 years of proven Kaplan experience and features exclusive strategies, practice, and review to help students ace the NEW AP Biology exam! Students spend the school year preparing for the AP Biology exam. Now it's time to reap the rewards: money-saving college credit, advanced placement, or an admissions edge. However, achieving a top score on the AP Biology exam requires more than knowing the material – students need to get comfortable with the test format itself, prepare for pitfalls, and arm themselves with foolproof strategies. That's where the Kaplan plan has the clear advantage.

Kaplan AP Biology 2014-2015 has been updated for the NEW exam and contains many essential and unique features to improve test scores, including:
- 2 full-length practice tests and a full-length diagnostic test to identify target areas for score improvement Detailed answer explanations
- Tips and strategies for scoring higher from expert AP teachers and students who scored a perfect 5 on the exam
- End of chapter quizzes
- Targeted review of the most up-to-date content and key information organized by Big Idea that is specific to the revised AP Biology exam

Kaplan AP Biology 2014-2015 provides students with everything they need to improve their scores – guaranteed. Kaplan's Higher Score guarantee provides security that no other test preparation guide on the market can match. Kaplan has helped more than three million students to prepare for standardized tests. We invest more than $4.5 million annually in research and support for our products. We know that our test-taking techniques and strategies work and our materials are completely up-to-date for the NEW AP Biology exam. Kaplan AP Biology 2014-2015 is the must-have preparation tool for every student looking to do better on the NEW AP Biology test!

Customer Reviews

Textbook Out of Print
By: Linda Brooke Stabler(Author), Mark Metz(Author), Paul Gier(Author), Alison Wilkes(Author)
336 pages, black & white illustrations
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