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Kommentierter Katalog der Flechtenbewohnenden Pilze Bayerns [A Commented Catalogue of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Bavaria (Germany)]

Series: Bibliotheca Lichenologica Volume: 109
By: Wolfgang von Brackel(Author)
476 pages, 13 b/w illustrations
Kommentierter Katalog der Flechtenbewohnenden Pilze Bayerns [A Commented Catalogue of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Bavaria (Germany)]
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  • Kommentierter Katalog der Flechtenbewohnenden Pilze Bayerns [A Commented Catalogue of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Bavaria (Germany)] ISBN: 9783443580889 Paperback Jul 2014 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-3 weeks
Price: £123.00
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Kommentierter Katalog der Flechtenbewohnenden Pilze Bayerns [A Commented Catalogue of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Bavaria (Germany)]Kommentierter Katalog der Flechtenbewohnenden Pilze Bayerns [A Commented Catalogue of the Lichenicolous Fungi of Bavaria (Germany)]

About this book

Language: German with bilingual summary in English and German

This commented catalogue presents 372 taxa of non-lichenized lichenicolous fungi in 135 genera from Bavaria are presented.

In addition, 31 partly lichenized fungi, unnamed anamorphs, aggregates and facultative lichenicolous fungi are documented, which sum up to 403 taxa in 141 genera. For every species the known hosts, worldwide distribution, and the Bavarian records cited in literature and from own investigations are given. For every genus a brief chapter on biology and distribution is added.

The new species Hainesia aeruginascens Brackel, H. lecanorae Brackel, Microsphaeropsis physciae Brackel, Trichoconis physciicola Brackel, and Trichonectria furcatosetosa Brackel are described and the new combination Xenonectriella protopannariae (Zhurb.) Brackel is proposed. The Bavarian taxa are relevant to all of Central Europe, because Bavaria encompasses regions with a wide range of climates as variable as the Eastern Bavarian Border Mountains (continental climate), pre-alpine region (oceanic climate) and the alpine regions with their corresponding climate.


Zusammenfassung, Summary 4
1. Einleitung 5
2. Methoden 7
3. Die Gattungen und Arten 9
Danksagung 416
Literatur 417

Customer Reviews

Series: Bibliotheca Lichenologica Volume: 109
By: Wolfgang von Brackel(Author)
476 pages, 13 b/w illustrations
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