Tracking is a much-loved, yet difficult, subject that attracts at least some of the attention of almost every bush-goer who ventures into the wild places of southern Africa. The ability to accurately read difficult, partial or little-seen signs left in the soil or sand is rare and largely the domain of professionals.
However, by making use of a comprehensive guide, anyone who applies him- or herself can begin to decipher these natural hieroglyphs etched on the ground. In Mammal Tracks and Signs of Southern Africa, Louis Liebenberg's highly accurate sketches of animal tracks, showing all the details one would find in a perfect example of the spoor, are combined with a wide selection of extremely varied photographs that explain the difficult truth of the matter, and represent what you are most likely to actually see in the many different substrates where the animals walk.
Mammal of Southern Africa and their Tracks & Signs to mammal tracks and signs also serves as an ID guide to the mammals of southern Africa as full colour photographs of each animal are included.
Lee Gutteridge is an experienced, enthusiastic and well-known nature guide and trainer. With 20 years of experience in the bush, he has come to realise that guiding is not just about knowledge, but more importantly about how we share it with our guests from around the world. He personally trains for many well-known and highly experienced guide and tracker teams at some of the southern and central African region's top lodges, with programmes focusing on a wide range of subjects including track identification skills.
Louis Liebenberg is a world authority on animal-spoor identification. He used this ancient knowledge to design the modern, handheld CyberTracker field computer – a unique computerised tracking system in the form of a hand-held PalmPilot computer, which enables researchers, managers and conservation officers to record and store their field data at the touch of a button. He has won international acclaim through his ground-breaking studies and research into the art of tracking and in 1998 he was awarded the Rolex Laureate Award for his development of the CyberTracker.