Using film & new media technologies to encourage the protection of the natural world. Media, Ecology and Conservation, the second book in the Converging World series from the Schumacher Institute, focuses on global connectivity and the role of new digital and traditional media in bringing people together to protect the world's endangered wildlife and conserve fragile and threatened habitats. New media offer opportunities for like-minded individuals, community groups, businesses and public organisations to learn and to work co-operatively for the good of all species.
At the core of this book is an examination of a range of activities surrounding the internationally renowned education and communication work of Wildscreen. Wildscreen is the premier multi-media organization promoting animal and habitat conservation, natural history and ecological film-making and the digital archiving of moving and still images of rare and endangered throughout the world. Natural history television, film and photography is universally popular but species extinction and habitat destruction increases year by year. One of the key themes of this book explores the important issue of how new information and communication technologies mediate our relationships to the natural world.