Provides reviews, perspectives, theoretical models, statistical developments and empirical demonstrations exploring the tempo and mode of microevolution on contemporary to geological time scales. Patterns and mechanisms of microevolution, methods for its quantification, and implications for the evolution of biodiversity on other scales are all covered.
An introduction to microevolution: rate, pattern, process; A.P. Hendry, M.T. Kinnison. The adaptive landscape as a conceptual bridge between micro- and macroevolution; S.J. Arnold, et al. Possible consequences of genes of major effect: transient changes in the G-matrix; A.F. Agrawal, et al. Toward a new synthesis: population genetics and evolutionary developmental biology; N.A. Johnson, A.H. Porter. Epistasis, complex traits, and mapping genes; M.J. Wade. Population structure inhibits evolutionary diversification under competition for resources; T. Day. Variation, selection and evolution of function-valued traits; J.G. Kingsolver, et al. Why the null matters: statistical tests, random walks and evolution; H.D. Sheets, C.E. Mitchell. Rates of evolution on the time scale of the evolutionary process; P.D. Gingerich. The pace of modern life II: from rates of contemporary microevolution to pattern and process; M.T. Kinnison, A.P. Hendry. Trends and rates of microevolution in plants; E. Bone, A. Farres. The population ecology of contemporary adaptations: what empirical studies reveal about the conditions that promote adaptive evolution; D.N. Reznick, C.K. Ghalambor. Explaining stasis: microevolutionary studies in natural populations; J. Merila, et al. Ring species as bridges between microevolution and speciation; D.E. Irwin, et al. Microevolution in island rodents; O.R.W. Pergams, M.V. Ashley. Genetic architecture of adaptive differentiation in evolving host races of the soapberry bug, Jadera haematoloma; S.P. Carroll, et al. Rapid evolution of wing size clines in Drosophila subobscura; G.W. Gilchrist, et al. Insecticide resistance in the mosquito Culex pipiens: what have we learned about adaptation? M. Raymond, et al. High gene flow levels lead to gamete wastage in a desert spider system; S.E. Riechert, et al. Integrating genetic and environmental forces that shape the evolution of geographic variation in a marine snail; G.C. Trussell, R.J. Etter. On morphological clocks and paleophylogeography: towards a timescale for Sorex hybrid zones; P.D. Polly. A population founded by a single pair of individuals: establishment, expansion, and evolution; P.R. Grant, et al. Refugial isolation versus ecological gradients; T.B. Smith, et al. Experimental studies of adaptive differentiation in Bahamian Anolis lizards; J.B. Losos, et al. Runaway social games, genetic cycles driven by alternative male and female strategies, and the origin of morphs; B. Sinervo. Mechanisms of rapid sympatric speciation by sex reversal and sexual selection in cichlid fish; R. Lande, et al. Lateral plate evolution in the threespine stickelback: getting nowhere fast; M.A. Bell. Sexual conflict and evolution in Trinidadian guppies; A.E. Magurran. A century of life-history evolution in grayling; T.O. Haugen, L.A. Vollestad. Evolution of chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) populations in New Zealand: pattern, rate, and process; T.P. Quinn, et al. Adaptive divergence and the evolution of reproductive isolation in the wild: an empirical demonstration using introduced sockeye salmon; A.P. Hendry. Authors index.