NB - Newt trapping is a licensed activity in Europe and must only be undertaken by licensed individuals.
Bottle traps are a common way of trapping both adult and larval newts and are an effective way of determining population presence within a pond. Traps should be set around the pond margins, facing towards the centre and all traps should be secured into position using a cane or stake. It is very important that traps are marked and numbered and that all traps are collected early in the morning. This will ensure that newts do not suffer unnecessarily through overheating or lack of air.
These clear PET bottles have a volume of 2 litres and a neck diameter of 28mm. They are available either whole or pre-cut for convenience in packs of 40 or 120.
Bamboo canes are also available for fixing bottle traps. Please note that the holes in the bottle for bamboo canes are not pre-cut.
Please note that newt bottles are shipped in large boxes and additional shipping charges will apply if you are buying more than 40 bottle traps.