Language: French
Covering moths traditionally classified in the Noctuidae family encountered in Europe and its neighbouring regions. Here the contemporary classification is adopted. Four families are featured: Noctuidae, Euteliidae, Nolidae and Erebidae. The Erebidae now include some moths formerly placed in separate families but downgraded to subfamily level i.e. the Arctiinae and Lymantriinae, which were covered in Volume 1 of this guide-book series. More than 1500 species are illustrated in both volumes and described in detail, with special focus on their possible variations. Their biology is also highlighted (food-plants, the biotopes they frequent, their usual flight-times and distribution). The status of some taxa has also been revised, bringing one new species and several new subspecies. Where accurate identification is especially difficult, photos of genitalia of both sexes are shown. Distribution maps are presented for the majority of species featured.
Volume 6 covers part of the Noctuidae from Caradrini and also the Nolidae.
Summary in French:
Ce livre Papillons de Nuit d'Europe, Volume 6 traite exclusivement des lépidoptères classés traditionnellement dans la famille de noctuides. Le présent volume traite des Noctuidae (à partir des Caradrini, voir liste des taxa) et des Nolidae… Un véritable guide naturaliste sur les papillons de nuit d'Europe destiné à tous les amateurs, passionnés et professionnels qui pourront reconnaître et identifier les papillons.