Forests support fish. Forests provide commodities. Since the removal and replacement of much of the indigenous forests in North America during the 200+ year wave of European settlement, many aquatic species historically dependent on forests have experienced profound changes in abundance, distribution, and in some cases viability. In this volume, we present the modern history of forest exploitation and management from the early days of forest clearing to support frontier lifestyles and development of industries hungry for all types of forest products, including lumber, fuels, and naval stores, to the emergence of the sophisticated global industry of today. Chapters review and describe the interactions of fish and other aquatic biota with forest management, including impacts of forest management to fish communities, unique impacts on migratory fishes, and impacts on other biota, including rare taxa.
The development of forestry best management practices (BMPs) is presented from different perspectives and regions of North America, and several chapters highlight the role and efficacy of BMPs in supporting aquatic biota. The promise of BMPs as stewardship measures to make a difference in the sustainability and recovery of imperiled aquatic taxa is examined and evaluated.
Reflections is intended as a reference for aquatic biologists, foresters, and other natural resource specialists and as source material for anyone interested in exploring the evolution of the complex relationship of forest management to aquatic biota.
vii Foreword
ix Symbols and Abbreviations
1 | Fish and Fiber in an Age of Change: A Historical Perspective from the Pacific Northwest, USA / Peter A. Bisson
23 | Forests and Aquatic Biota in Forested Watersheds of the Southeastern United States / C. Andrew Dolloff
55 | Forest Use and Forest Practices in the United States: Past, Present, and Future / Terrance W. Cundy, John D. Stednick, and George G. Ice
99 | Current Streamside Forest Management Effects on Aquatic Habitat and Fish / John S. Richardson, R. Dan Moore, C. Rhett Jackson, and David P. Kreutzweiser
143 | Current Forest Management Impacts on Aquatic Habitat and Fish / Charles H. Luce and Robert J. Danehy
189 | Region-Specific Interactions of Forests and Fish in North America / Robert J. Danehy, Keith H. Nislow, C. Andrew Dolloff, Brooke Warrington, Raymond Newman, Charles R. Blinn, Bruce Vondracek, Robert W. Mackereth, Michael K. Young, Jason K. Walter, Peter A. Bisson, Douglas J. Martin, and Margaret A. Wilzbach
245 | Determining the Effectiveness of Contemporary Forestry Best Management Practices: Illustrative Case Studies / C. Rhett Jackson, George G. Ice, Terrance W. Cundy, Peter J. Tschaplinski, Douglas J. Martin, Jeremiah D. Groom, and William J. Ehinger
279 | Beyond Best Management Practices / Deanna H. Olson, Ashley A. Coble, and Jessica A. Homyack
327 | Influence of Forest Practices on Fish and Their Food Webs / Kyle J. Hartman and Michael D. Kaller
367 | Forest Management and Freshwater Biological Diversity: Beyond Charismatic Species / John S. Richardson and Robert J. Danehy
395 | Environmental Regulation in Temporally Dynamic and Spatially Variable Watershed Environments: Implications for Forest Management / Gordon H. Reeves, Lee E. Benda, Stephen Levesque, Kenneth W. Cummins, and Robert Ziemer
417 | Future of Aquatic Habitats in Managed Forests / Robert E. Bilby and Jami E. Nettles
439 | Synthesis: Can Fish and Fiber Coexist? / Robert J. Danehy and C. Andrew Dolloff