About this book
The sea trout is an important fish species both commercially and recreationally but until recently it has been largely neglected and overshadowed by interest in salmon. In July 2004, a major international conference was convened, attracting world class international scientists who have contributed to this most important volume. The contents are broadly divided into four sections covering: stocks and fisheries; genetics and life history; ecology and population dynamics; and managing stocks and world fisheries. The book is an essential purchase for many fisheries managers and fish biologists.
Foreword Preface Opening address 1. Carwyn Jones Opening address 2. Helen Philips 1. Sea Trout Setting the Scene: G Harris and N Milner SECTION 1: Stocks and Fisheries 2. Anadromy & Migrations of Pacific Salmon & Trout: T.P. Quinn & K.W. Myer 3. A Review of the Status of Irish Sea Trout Stocks: P.G. Gargan, R. Poole & G. Forde 4. Characteristics of the Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) Stock Collapse in the River Ewe (Wester Ross), Scotland, in the Late 1980s: J.R. Butler & A.F. Walker 5. Characteristics of Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) Stocks from the Owengowla & Invermore Fisheries, Western Ireland, and Recent Trends in Marine Survival: P.G. Gargan, W.K. Roche, G.P. Forde & A. Ferguson 6. Annual Variation in Age Composition, Growth & Abundance of Adult Sea Trout Returning to the Welsh Dee: 1991 - 2001: I.C. Davidson, R.J. Cove & M.S. Hazlewood 7. Structure & Composition of Sea Trout Stocks of 16 Rivers in England & Wales: G.S. Harris 8. The Rod and Net Sea Trout Fisheries of England & Wales: R. Evans. & V Greest 9. General Overview of Turkish Sea Trout (Salmo trutta) Populations: I. Okumus, S.Temel & S. Atasaral 10. The Status of Fishing of Sea Trout on the Finnish Coast of the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea: E. Jutila, A. Saura, I. Kallio-Nyberg, A. Huhmarniemi & A. Romakkaniemi. 11. Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo Salar L.) Rivers in Scandinavia & Europe: N.J. Milner, L. Karlsson, E. Degerman, A. Jholander, J.C. MacLean & L-P. Hansen SECTION 2: Genetics and Life History 12. The genetics of Sea Trout, with particular reference to Britain and Ireland: A. Ferguson 13. Differences in Global Gene Expression Levels between Sedentary & Migratory Forms of Brown Trout: Giger. T. L. Excoffier, P.R.J. Day, A. Champigneulle & C.R. Largiader 14. Life Histories of Sea Trout: B. Jonsson and N. Jonsson 15. Migration as a Life History Strategy for Sea Trout: D. Solomon. Fisheries Consultant, Salisbury, Wiltshire, England 16. Life History of a Sea Trout Population (Salmo trutta) from the NW Iberian Peninsula (River Ulla, Galicia, Spain): P. Caballero, F. Cobo & M.A. Gonzalez 17. Applications and future prospects for genetic analysis in salmonid biology: M. W. Bruford SECTION 3: Populations Dynamics, Ecology and Behaviour 18. A 35-Year Study of Stock-Recruitment Relationships in a Small Population of Sea Trout: Assumptions, Implications & Limitations for Predicting Targets: J.M. Elliott & J.A. Elliott 19. Characteristics of the Burrishoole Sea Trout Population: Census. Marine Survival & Stock Recruitment: R. Poole, M. Dillane, E. deEyto, G. Rogan & K. Whelan 20. Population Dynamics of Sea Trout in the River Bresle, a coastal chalks stream in Normandy, France: G. Euzenat, F. Fournel, & J-L.Fagard. SECTION 4: Managing Stocks and Fisheries 21. The Spawning Requirements of Sea Trout: A Multiscale Approach: A.M. Walker, & B.D. Bayliss 22. Research Activities & Management of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Denmark: G.H. Rasmussen 23. Stocking Sea Trout (Salmo trutta L.) in the River Shieldaig, Scotland: D.W.Hay & M.A. McKibben 24. Are Reared Anadromous Brown trout Compatible with the Conservation of Wild Trout?: H. Lundqvist, S.M. McKinnell, S. Jonsson & J. Ostergren 25. Sea Lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis Infestations of Post-Smolts in Loch Shieldaig, Wester Ross: 1999-2003: M.A. McKibben, D.W. Hay, A.F. Walker & S.J. Northcott 26. Comparison of Survival, Migration & Growth in Wild, Offspring from Wild (F1) and Domesticated Sea Run Trout (Salmo trutta L): S. Pedersen, R. Christiansen & H. Glussing. 27. The Rapid Establishment of a Resident Brown Trout Population from Sea Trout Parents Stocked in a Fishless Scottish Stream: A. F. Walker 28. Predicted Growth of Juvenile Sea Trout & Salmon in Four Rivers in England & Wales Based on Past & Possible Future Temperature Regimes Linked to Climate Change: I.C. Davidson & M.S. Hazelwood. 29. Sea Trout Exploitation in Five Rivers in England & Wales: B.A. Shields, B. Bayliss, I. Davidson & P. Elsmere 30. Catch- -Release, Net Fishing & Sea Trout Fisheries Management: D. Solomon & M. Czerwinski 31. A review of the statutory regulations to conserve sea trout stocks in England & Wales: G.S. Harris 32. An appreciation of the social and economic values of sea trout in England & Wales: P. O'Reilly and G. Mawle 33. Sea trout fisheries management: should we follow the salmon?: Walker, A.M., M.G. Pawson & E.C.E Potter 34. Perspectives on sea trout science and management: N. Milner, G.S. Harris, P. Gargan, M. Beveridge, M.G. Pawson, A. Walker and K. Whelan DECLARATION INDEX
Customer Reviews
Nigel Milner, Head of Fisheries Science, Environment Agency, Bangor University, Wales, UK Graeme Harris, Fishskill Consultancy Services, Wales, UK