Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
This book is a list of known species of ferns in China, covering 40 families, 147 genera, 2147 species, 5 subspecies, and 118 varieties. Out of these, 839 species (39.1%) are unique to China. Each species is classified into the corresponding families, genus and subgenus according to the current classification system, and different species within the same genus or subgenus are arranged in the order of their scientific names.
Summary in Chinese:
中国生物物种名录 植物卷 蕨类分册书录了中国石松类和蕨类植物40科178属2147种5亚种118变种,另有96个存疑物种(包括亚种和变种)也收录在内。 名录中839种(39.1%)76变种为中国特有。 每一种的内容包括中文名、学名和异名及原始发表文献、国内外分布等信息。
1. Lycopodiaceae
2. Isoetaceae
3. Selaginellaceae
4. Equisetaceae
5. Ophioglossaceae
6. Psilotaceae
7. Marattiaceae
8. Osmundaceae
9. Hymenophyllaceae
10. Gleicheniaceae
11. Dipteridaceae
12. Lygodiaceae
13. Schizaeaceae
14. Marsileaceae
15. Salviniaceae
16. Plagiogyriaceae
17. Cibotiaceae
18. Cyatheaceae
19. Lindsaeaceae
20. Pteridaceae
21. Dennstaedtiaceae
22. Cystopteridaceae
23. Diplaziopsidaceae
24. Aspleniaceae
25. Rhachidosoraceae
26. Thelypteridaceae
27. Woodsiaceae
28. Athyriaceae
29. Onocleaceae
30. Blechnaceae
31. Didymochlaenaceae
32. Hypodematiaceae
33. Dryopteridaceae
34. Lomariopsidaceae
35. Nephrolepidaceae
36. Arthropteridaceae
37. Tectariaceae
38. Oleandraceae
39. Davalliaceae
40. Polypodiaceae