Symbiosis is the fourth volume in the series "Cellular Origin and Life in Extreme Habitats" (COLE). Fifty experts, from over a dozen countries, review their current studies on different approaches to these phenomena. The chapters present various aspects of symbiosis from gene transfer, morphological features, and biodiversity to individual organisms sharing mutual cellular habitats. The origin of the eukaryotic phase is discussed with emphasis on cyanelles, H syntrophy, N2 fixation, and S-based symbiosis (as well as the origin of mitochondrion, chloroplast, and nucleus). All members of the three domains of life are presented for sharing symbiotic associations. This volume brings the concept of living together as 'One plus One (plus One) equals One.' The purpose of this book is to introduce the teacher, researcher, scholar, and student as well as the open-minded and science-oriented reader to the global importance of this association.
Dedication. List of author and their addresses. Foreword; K. Jeon. Preface; J. Seckbach. Acknowledgements; J. Seckbach. Section I: General Aspects. 1. Symbiosis-biodiversity; Zook. 2. Morphological aspects; Nardon. 3. Ecology implications; Secord. Section II: Origin & Evolution. 4. Gene transfer; Olendzenski, et al. 5. Not -- Endosymbiosis; Jensen. 6. Non symbiosis origin of locomotory organelles; Rizzotti. 7. Cyanophora-organelle Evolution; Loeffelhardt, Bohnert. 8. Origin of Eukaryote; Lopez-Garcia, Moreira. 9. H-based Syntrophy; Valentine. 10. S-based symbios (mitochondrion origin); Searcy. 11. Revision of endosymb; Krajcovic et al. 12. Symbiosomes; Hinde, Trautman. 13. N fixation; Ch. McKay, R. Navarro. 14. Nucleus Origin; Shinozawa, et al. Section III: Bacteria, Cyanobacteria & Algae. 15. Bacteria-bacteria; Overmann. 16. Cyanophora; Kugrens. 17. Prochloron; Kuehl, Larkum. Section IV: Fungi Symbiosis. 18. Arbuscular mycorrhizal Symbiosis; Giovannetti. 19. Ascophyllum; Garbary. 20. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (fungibacteria); Bonfante, et al. Section V: Lichens. 21. Origin and evolution of Lichen algae; Friedl, Bhattacharya. 22. Lichenized Parasitism; Chapman Rus, D. Waters. 23. Trebouxia: Reflection; V. Ahmadjian. Section VI: Symbiosis in Plants. 24. Algae -- plant roots; Reisser. 25. Plant-Cyanobacteria; Grilli. 26. Fungi on Plants; White. 27. Effect of Endophytic Fungi on Host Plant Morphogenesis; Scannerini, et al. Section VII: Association with Protozoa. 28. Methanogens in Ciliates; Hackstein, et al. 29. Bacteria-trypanosoma (Protozoa); Motta, et al. 30. Ectosymbiosis in Ciliates (Protozoa); Rosati. 31. 31. Living Sands: Symbiosis Algae and Foraminifera; J.J. Lee. 32. Protistan-Prokaryotic Symbiosis in deep-sea Sulfidic Sediments; Buck, Bernhard. Section VIII: Symbiosis in Insects and Higher Animals. 33. Sponges Symbiosis; D. Trautman, R. Hinde. 34. Algal -- Coral Association; Karaku, et al. 35. Algae-worms; McCoy & Balzer. 36. Fungi in insect [Trichomycests]; Lichtwardt. 37. Ascomycete-Arthropoda; Spatafora. 38. Laboulbeniales in (fungi in arthropods); Weir. 39. Wolbachia; Charlat et al. 40. Effect of Wolbachia of sex ratio; Pintureau et al. 41. Bacteria -- aphids (insects); Ishikawa. 42. Bacteria -- insects; A. Douglas. 43. Tripartite symbiosis of Ants-Fungi-Bacteria; Currie. 44. Termite hint gut symbiosis; Dyer. 45. Termite guts; Ohkuma. 46. Cultivation of Fungi by Termites; Rouland, Bignell. 47. Co-speciation: The sepiolid squid-Vibrio mutualism; Nisiguchi. Author Index. Subject Index.