Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
The data in this book is based on surveys of fish resources on the continental shelf at the northern part of the South China Sea, the continental slope sea area, the Xiasha Islands, the Zhongsha Islands and the Nansha Islands, as well as adjacent sea areas from the 1960s to the 1990s, and the investigation of fish resources within the 200 sea miles of the exclusive economic zone. It collects more than 2,100 fish species from the South China sea.
Summary in Chinese:
南 海水产研究所在20世纪60—90年代先后对南海北部陆架海域、陆坡海域,南海南部西沙群岛、中沙群岛海域和南沙群岛及与其毗邻的其他大陆架海域开展了渔 业资源普查、重点渔场调查等项目,其中包括对巽他陆架海域底拖网渔业资源的系统性开发调查。此外,还承担了国家有关200海里专属经济区渔业资源本底调查 南方片调查的任务。本书主要根据上述各项调查,并参照国内外其他有关调查所记录的鱼类种类,依照我国内地现行的分类系统,予以汇集编修而成。中文鱼名主要 依照海峡两岸鱼类分类学者共同编著的《拉汉世界鱼类名典》所载,利于两岸统一交流。 本书收集的鱼类超过2100种,较为全面地反映了南海的鱼类组成。承西澳大利亚博物馆GRAllen先生惠赠太平洋热带海域有关珊瑚礁鱼类的资料.