Charles Darwin is well-known throughout the world for his revolutionary work from 1859; On the Origin of Species, the foundational study of evolution which greatly challenged the near-universal belief in the Christian world, at that time, of creationism. Originally published in 1928, Dorsey attempts to provide a detailed account of the scientist's life and personality informed by letters, published works and an autobiography written by Darwin. Darwin's life was full of challenges both in his personal life as well as his career and The Evolution of Charles Darwin explores all aspects of his life from birth to death emphasising the great impact his work had in the scientific community and humanity as a whole.
Introduction: The Evolution of Personalities and Beliefs
1. Darwin's Mother Opened his Eyes to Nature
2. His Father Wanted him to be a Doctor - or a Preacher
3. He Himself Preferred to Walk with Henslow
4. The Voyage of the Beagle
5. Thereafter Science Claimed Him as Its Own
6. He Married his Cousin and Lived Happily Ever After
7. He Was the Understanding Father of Ten Children
8. He Became the Friend of All the World
9. Meanwhile he had been Looking at Nature
10. What he saw Astounded the World
11. But the Origin of Species Weathered the Storm
12. His Many Other Literary Children
13. He Had to Learn to Write
14. He Did Not Profess Christianity: he Lived a Christlike Life
15. He was a Great Benefactor of Mankind
Appendix 1: Outline of Charles Darwin's Life
Appendix 2: List of Works by Charles Darwin