The results of more than 20 years of work, this is the third and final volume in The Nymphalidae of China (Leidoptera, Rhopalocera) series. It contains the most complete information to date on the distribution, differences, relationships and taxonomy of 287 species. This volume deals with some of the more obscure satyrid groups, such as the genus Ypthima and Mycalesis, and on the other hand, some of the more popular ones: Erebia, Melanargia, Coenonympha, Aulocera, Karanasa, Oeneis, Satyrus, Pseudochazara, and Hyponephele. There are 40 colour plates: 32 plates represent collection specimens including subspecies, type specimens, and many rarities; 8 plates contain photographs of butterflies in nature and their habitats. Another 26 black-and-white plates show 322 figures of male genitalia of Chinese Satyrinae. The text gives descriptions of imagos and their genitalia, nomenclature, distribution, and habitat.