The Soils of Greece presents a comprehensive and up-to-date overview on soils of Greece. It includes sections on soil research history, climate, geology, geomorphology, major soil types, soil maps, soil properties, soil classification, soil fertility, land use and vegetation, soil management, soils and humans, soils and industry, future soil issues. The Soils of Greece summarizes what is known about the soils in Greece in a concise and highly reader-friendly way.
1 Preface
2. Introduction (A brief reference to the preceded studies and views)
3. Factors of soil formation (An analysis of their importance and role for Greek Soils)
4. Classification of Greek soils (Systems and correlation of taxonomic units used)
5. Major soil associations (Taxonomic units, parent material, physiography, vegetation bioclimatic zone, morphology, soil properties, qualitative evaluation, degradation risks, applied and recommended management for each major member of the following associations)
5.1.Soils of the Holocene alluvial plains
5.2. Soils of the Quaternary terraces
5.3. Soils of the Pleistocene terraces
5.4. Soils of the Pliocene hills
5.5. Residual soils on hills and mountains
5.5.1. On limestone
5.5.2. On basic igneous rocks
5.5.3. On acid igneous
5.5.4. On metamorphic rocks
6. Inter-association soils
6.1. Vertisols
6.2. Organic soils
6.3. Saline and alkaline soils
6.4. Volcanic soils
7. Soil mapping