Language: Bilingual in English and Chinese
This book is the second supplemental volume to the series Type Specimens in China National Herbarium (PE). It includes 495 type specimens of vascular plants newly published and preserved at the herbarium. These have been obtained through gifts or exchanges from institutes both within and outside of China, from type specimens on loan that have been recently returned to the herbarium, as well as new specimens identified in the herbarium's general specimen cabinets. This book describes 402 holotypes, 76 isotypes, 1 syntype, 3 isosyntypes and 13 paratypes, belonging to 77 families, 213 genera, 358 species, 9 subspecies, 105 varieties and 23 forms.
Summary in Chinese:
本套书是在近2万份模式标本中遴选出一份重要的馆藏模式标本,共计7740份, 扫描成7740幅超高清彩色照片,经整理后编撰而成,为国内乃至东亚zui全植物模式标本汇集。