This book forms the proceedings of the 18th European conference on irrigation and drainage.
Section A: The value of water for irrigation. Water as an economic good: a solution, or a problem? - C.J. Perry, M. Rock and D. Seckler. Expost economic analysis of irrigaiton in the Bas-Rhone Languedoc region - I. Carriere and F.Le Landais. To be or not to be? South African irrigation at the crossroads - A.H. Conley. Economic considerations for water used in irrigation in Israel - Y. Shevah and G. Kohen. Approache des usages globaux des agricoles en basse durance - A. Galand, M. Terrazzoni and C. Fayollet. Costs of water in Kuwait - M. Abdal. Valuing the multiple uses of irrigation water - R. Meinzen-Dick. Availability of Colorado river water for transfer in Southern California - K.M. Bali and R.A. Gonzalez. Effects of water management on water value relative to alfalfa yield - M.E. Grismer, K.M. Bali, F.E. Robinson and I.C. Tod. Assessment of irrigation investments in Bulgaria - R. Petrova and S. Chekhlarova. Rent-seeking behaviour and water distribution - J-D. Rinaudo, S. Thoyer and P. Strosser. Food security implications of raising irrigaion chargesin developing dountries - Ramesh Bhatia. Section B: The value of drainage and flood control: The economic benefits of flood warining and forecasting - P.J. Floyd, J.R.V. Ash, M.S. Hichman and P.F. Borrows. Optimizing water management in polder flevoland - Saiful Alam and E. Schultz. Section C: Social and environmental value of water. Allocating water for production and rural conservation: choices and institutions - I.D. Hodge and W.M. Adams. Social benefits and environmental constraints of irrigation in an era of water scarcity - E. Fereres and F. Cena. Need for new approaches in valuing water: learninig from a less successful case - J.C. Caldas, P.L. Sousa and L.S. Pereira. Approche economique pour concilier irrigation et environnement dans le bassin versant de la charente - M. Montginoul, T. Rieu and J.P. Arrondeau. The Productivity of water in public irrigation systems of the Guadalquivir river basin - M. Martin, R.N. Rodriguez and J. Lopez Martos. The Wise use of mangrove systems: The social and environmental value of water - T. Franks, M. Shadwahid and H.O. Lim Hin Fui. Water, conflict and the environment: A case study from Tanzania - M.A. Burton and C.K. Chiza. Section D: Payment for services: Costs, benefits and rates of irrigation water in Italy - L. Nola. The value of water in competing uses - J.J. Pigram. Problems of payment for water services in Russia - E. Arent. Water pricing for irrigation during the transition to market economy in Bulgaria - M. Koubratova. Participatory irrigation management: case study of ability to pay - L.E.D. Smith and A. Sohani. Water as an economic good in African smallholder farms - F. Chancellor. Section E: Management Systems: An assessmen