This booklet aims to present the current knowledge of the population estimates, trends and conservation status of waterbird populations in different parts of the world in 2012. It is a summary version of the fifth edition of the Waterbird Population Estimates (WPE5) which has been published as a web-based, open access, interactive database ( The online database was launched at the Ramsar COP11 in Bucharest, Romania, in July 2012.
The first section provides a brief background of the methodology used for the analyses. This is followed by a section highlighting the key findings in different categories such as the occurrence in the six Ramsar regions, families of waterbirds, population sizes, population trends and lUCN Red List 2012 status. Finally, a section on future priorities for development of information on waterbird estimates and trends is presented. This should be used to guide and implement future conservation of the world's waterbirds.