An illustrated account of summer visits by a group of naturalists from England 2012-15, with checklists of the bird and butterfly species recorded. The group included the authors, prolific natural history writer Peter Marren and a couple of other ex-English Nature stalwarts (Neil Hailey, Steve Berry and Bernard Booth), plus bird photographer Richard Price. The book contains day-by-day accounts of where they went and what they saw. It includes a commentary on the places they visited, including accommodation, local people and appreciation of the different countries and their landscapes and culture.
Introduction 1
Who are we? 2
Where did we go? 4
Estonia 2012
Day-by-day account 5-18
Impressions of the country 19-20
Bulgaria 2013
Day-by-day account 21-36
Impressions of the country 36
Greece and Macedonia 2014
Day-by-day account 37-56
Impressions of the countries 57
Hungary and Slovakia 2015
Day-by-day account 58-82
Impressions of the countries 83
Appendices with scientific names (English names are used in text)
Checklist of birds seen 85-95
Checklist of butterflies seen 96-101
List of photos and photographers 104
David Withrington senior adviser on rivers and fresh waters for the Nature Conservancy Council/English Nature/Natural England 1974-2009; also an expert on European butterflies and speaks Russian and French.
Paul Raven head of Conservation and Ecology at the Environment Agency 1996-2011; co-author of Rivers.