Language: Romanian
This Romanian series, which started off in 1989, can be seen as a popular science precursor of the Handbook the Mammals of the World, with an aim of bringing together disparate information on mammals orders.
This volume covers mammal species that have morphologically adapted to life in the aquatic environment, and species without special adaptations but that carry out some of their activities in this environment. Therefore, next to aquatic mammals, the reader will come across representative of the orders Monotremata, Marsupiala, Insectivora, Cetacea, and Sirenia.
Summary in Romanian:
Includem in acest volum specii de mamifere care au adaptari morfologice pentru viata in mediul acvatic, dar si specii fara adaptari speciale care insa isi desfasoara o parte din activitatile lor in acest mediu. De aceea intre mamiferele acvatice luate in consideratie vom intalni reprezentanti ai ordinelor: Monotremata, Marsupiala, Insectivora, Cetacea, Sirenia.