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Conservation Land Management (CLM) is a quarterly magazine that is widely regarded as essential reading for all who are involved in land management for nature conservation, across the British Isles. CLM includes long-form articles, events listings, publication reviews, new product information and updates, reports of conferences and letters.
Language: English
Ectomycorrhizal fungi are fungi that can form ectomycorrhizas (a form of symbiotic relationship that occurs between a fungal symbiont and the roots of various plant species) with the roots of trees and are important bio-resources. Most forest trees are highly dependent on ectomycorrhizal fungi and in areas of poor soil could possibly not even exist without them. Thus, in forest management, if people do not manage for ectomycorrhizal fungi, they could end up damaging the trees. This book is an academic work on the ectomycorrhizal fungi of China, in which 308 species, including 1906 synonyms, of ectomycorrhizal fungi are detailed. The account of every species comprises scientific names, synonyms, citations of author and literature, morphological characteristics (macroscopic and microscopic features of the fruiting body), ecological habits and distribution areas in China. Classification of these fungi has been based on research of molecular biological and ultrastructural characters, and the fungus covered here belong to 43 genera, 20 families, and 6 orders in Agaricomycetes of Basidiomycota. Furthermore, some species within Gomphidiaceae are also dealed with that have been thought to be ectomycorrhizal fungi. However, there is now evidence that they are parasitic upon ectomycorrhizal boletes. A total 88 photos of ectomycorrhizal fungi or ectomycorrhizas are included in this book, all taken by the author. This book is an important reference for further relevant research, protection and sustainable utilization of ectomycorrhizal fungus resources.
1. Introduction
1.1 The mycorrhizal definition
1.2 The mycorrhizal discovery
1.3 Mycorrhizal fungi and mycorrhizal plants
1.4 The mycorrhizal benefits to both the plants and the fungi
1.5 The types of Mycorrhizae
1.6 Ectomycorrhizae
1.7 Ectomycorrhizal fungi
2. Alnanitaceae and Hygrophoraceae
2.1 Amanita
2.2 Limacella
2.3 Hygrophorus
3. Cortinariaceae, Hydnangiaceae and Inocybaceae
3.1 Cortinarius
3.2 Hebeloma
3.3 Laccaria
3.4 Inocybe
4. Entolomataceae and Tricholomataceae
4.1 Entoloma
4.2 Tricholoma
5. Boletaceae
5.1 Boletellus
5.2 Boletus
5.3 Harrya
5.4 Heimioporus
5.5 Leccinum
5.6 Phyllopoms
5.7 Pulveroboletus
5.8 Retiboletus
5.9 Rubinoboletus
5.10 Strobilomyces
5.11 Tylopilus
5.12 Xanthoeonium
5.13 Xerocomellus
5.14 Xerocomus
6. Calostomataceae, Gyroporaceae, Paxillaceae and Sclerodermataceae
6.1 Calostoma
6.2 Gyroporus
6.3 Gyrodon
6.4 Paxillus
6.5 Pisolithus
6.6 Scleroderma
7. Rhizopogonaceae and Suillaceae
7.1 Rhizopogon
7.2 Suillus
8. Cantharellaceae
8.1 Cantharellus
8.2 Craterellus
9. Gomphaceae
9.1 Gomphus
9.2 Ramaria
9.3 Turbinellus
10. Albatrellaceae and Russulaceae
10.1 Albatrellus
10.2 Lactarius
10.3 Russula
11. Bankeraceae and Thelephoraceae
11.1 Hydnellum
11.2 Hydnum
11.3 Sarcodon
11.4 Thelepbora
Appendix: Ectomycorrhizae-related Gomphidiaceae
Index of fungal Latin names