British Wildlife is the leading natural history magazine in the UK, providing essential reading for both enthusiast and professional naturalists and wildlife conservationists. Published eight times a year, British Wildlife bridges the gap between popular writing and scientific literature through a combination of long-form articles, regular columns and reports, book reviews and letters.
Conservation Land Management (CLM) is a quarterly magazine that is widely regarded as essential reading for all who are involved in land management for nature conservation, across the British Isles. CLM includes long-form articles, events listings, publication reviews, new product information and updates, reports of conferences and letters.
Language: French
Chamois, and gray wolf, golden eagle and black tit, asp viper, apollo butterfly, large banded grasshopper, jumping spider, Burgundy snail ... These are all classic and unexpected animals living in France over 1000 m in cold forest, hayfields, pastures and eternal snowfields.
This guide to France's mountain fauna contains 100 species monographs, mentioning characteristics that allow identification, information on the habitats frequented by the animal – so as to know where to look –, and its distribution. Behaviours and life styles are also covered.Finally, a "Did You Know?" section has unusual information.
Summary in French:
Chamois ou loup gris, aigle royal ou mésange noire, vipère aspic, appolon, criquet bariolé, araignée sauteuse, escargot de Bourgogne... Voilà autant d'animaux classiques et plus insoupçonnés qui habitent en France au-dessus de 1000 m les forêts froides, les prairies de fauche, les alpages et les neiges éternelles.
Dans ce guide de découverte de la faune montagnarde, chacune des 100 monographies d'espèces évoque les caractéristiques permettant l'identification, renseigne sur les habitats fréquentés par l'animal – pour savoir où le chercher –, et sur sa distribution. Des comportements ou des modes de vie particuliers et originaux sont précisés. Enfin, une rubrique "le saviez-vous ?" propose des informations insolites, à lire avec délectation...
De quoi animer les randonnées en montagne!