Language: English
The orchid flora of Myanmar is fairly rich with just over 800 different species, which is a reflection of the country's varied topography and climate. Following a long period of political isolation the Myanmar orchids are among the least known in tropical mainland Asia. Some highly attractive orchids are found here, notably some large-flowered and brightly coloured species in the genera Coelogyne, Dendrobium and Cymbidium. Affinities to the orchid flora of the Himalayas are found in the north of the country, while typical Malesian elements occur in the southern part of Myanmar. In A Guide to Orchids of Myanmar we would like to give readers an impression of the diversity found in the orchids that are growing in the wild in Myanmar. After short introductory chapters, with general notes on the country and its orchid flora, we describe and illustrate 116 selected examples of Myanmar orchid species. Many of the photographs were taken in the natural habitat of the plants, while several others originated in cultivation. We also provide an identification key to the groups of orchids found here, as well as a preliminary checklist of the species recorded so far.
Foreword vii
Introduction 1
Geography, Climate and Vegetation 2
The Orchid Flora 8
Affinities to Other Regions 11
Endemics 11
Structure 12
Vegetative Features (Roots, Stems and Leaves) 13
Flowers 18
History of the Orchidology of Myanmar 22
Uses of Myanmar Orchids 26
Conservation 29
Habitat Destruction 29
Myanmar Orchids in Local and International Trade 30
Legislation 33
In situ and Ex situ Conservation 34
Classification 35
Key to the Orchid Groups Represented in Myanmar 39
The Genera of Orchids of Myanmar illustrated in this Book 43
A Selection of Species 51
Glossary 168
Further Reading 173
Acknowledgements 174
Photo Credits 175
General Index 176
Index of Scientific Names 177
Appendix 182