Tracking initial ocean (de)oxygenation is critical to better constrain the coevolution of life and environment. The development of thallium isotopes has provided evidence to track the global manganese oxide burial which responds to early (de)oxygenation for short-term climate events. Modern oxic seawater thallium isotope values are recorded in organic-rich sediments deposited below an anoxic water column. An expansion of reducing conditions decrease manganese oxide burial and shifts the seawater thallium isotope composition more positive. Recent work documents that thallium isotopes are perturbed prior to carbon isotope excursions, suggesting ocean deoxygenation is a precursor for increased organic carbon burial. This Element provides an introduction to the application of thallium isotopes, case studies, and future directions.
1. Introduction
2. Marine elemental cycle
3. Sedimentary Tl isotope signature
4. Brief analytical guide
5. Case studies
6. Future directions