Language: German
Fascicle 7 contains 121 picture plates from the german species of the follow families (with the genera mentioned in brackets):
Brachytheciaceae (Brachythecium, Cirriphyllum, Eurhynchium, Homalothecium, Isothecium, Rhynchostegiella, Rhynchostegium, Scleropodium), Entodontaceae (Entodon), Hypnaceae (Ctenidium, Homomallium, Hylocomium, Hyocomium, Hypnum, Orthothecium, Platygyrium, Pleurozium, Ptilium, Pylaisia, Rhytidiadelphus, Rhytidium), Plagiotheciaceae (Herzogiella, Isopterygiopsis, Plagiothecium, Pseudotaxiphyllum, Taxiphyllum), Sematophyllaceae (Brotherella, Callicladium, Sematophyllum).