Language: Bilingual in English and Spanish
Birds of Iguazú presents more than 500 species of birds that inhabit the Brazilian ecoregion known as Selva Paranaense in the Atlantic Forest, a true paradise for wildlife conservation and ecotourism. It also includes the birds of the entire Province of Misiones, and its most prominent mammals, such as at the Yaguareté natural monument. This work was conceived as a photographic guide of the birds that are present in the province of Misiones. Therefore, in addition to the common species, it also includes other rarer birds, and scarce ones with few records, hypothetical presence in the area, or birds that are difficult to see.
Summary in Spanish:
Aves de Iguazú presenta mas de 500 especies de aves que habitan la Selva Paranaense, un verdadero paraiso para la oservacion de fauna silvestre y el ecoturismo. Ademas incluye las aves de toda la Provincia de Misiones, y sus mas destacados Mamíferos, como el monumento natural Yaguareté. Esta obra fue concebida como una guiia fotografica de las aves que estan presentes en la provincia de Misiones. Por lo tanto, además de las especies comunes, incluye tambien otras aves mas raras, escasas, con pocos registros de presencia hipotetica en la zona o dificiles de ver.