In these short illustrated guides, Dr Mark Everard, avid nature-watcher, angler and scientist, takes a dedicated look at three British freshwater fishes, the Silver Bream, Gudgeon and Ruffe. Though an integral part of aquatic ecosystems and well-known to anglers, these fish are often overlooked by the wider public as well as scientists. Each book is in three sections, first exploring the biology of the fish itself, including science written in an accessible style, second discussing angling history and tips, and thirdly exploring the fish’s cultural connections, including the etymology of the fish. A bibliography at the end of each guide directs the reader to additional resources.
- Introduction
- What is a Gudgeon
- Gudgeon fishing
- Gudgeon and people
- Gudgeon bibliography
Silver Bream
- Introduction
- What is a Silver Bream
- Silver Bream fishing
- Silver Bream and people
- Silver Bream bibliography
- Introducing the Ruffe
- Ruffe fishing
- Ruffe and people
- Ruffe bibliography.
Dr Mark Everard is an Associate Professor of Ecosystem Services at UWE (the University of the West of England, Bristol). Mark’s many other roles include Ambassador of the Angling Trust, science advisor to the Salmon & Trout Conservation UK (S&TCUK), member of the Conservation Policy Committee of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, member of the Science and Technical Review Panel of the international Ramsar Convention, and life member and former Trustee/Director of the Freshwater Biological Association.