For decades the oak has been one of Britain's most loved and revered trees. Notwithstanding this, there has been a dearth of comprehensive publications about them and most books have tended to concentrate on specific areas of study. This detailed and wide-ranging guide is essential reading for all those who have an interest in all aspects of British oaks as well as students of forestry and arboriculture, and those who work in tree-related professions.
Michael Taylor BA, Bsc (Hons) worked in local government for thirty-four years before retiring early in 1993. An all-round naturalist with a special interest in birds and trees, Michael has held various voluntary posts in local natural hsitory societies and fro several years was the Devon County Bird Recorder. He is Vice-Chairman of the Devon Birdwatching and Preservation Society. Resident - Axminster, Devon Bob Farley worked in a number of West-End studios on still life, figures for posters and advertising. For many years he designed the ATV Yearbook in conjuction with the late Norman Collins. Recently, he has produced wildlife drawings as well as illustrations for children's educational publications and for a new translation of Beowulf.