The Catalogue of Brazilian Plants Collected by Prince Maximilian of Wied gives information on over 1274 plant species. It is a compilation of all available literature and herbarium data, fleshed out with the results of a search for specimens in European herbaria and the private collection of the family Wied in Neuwied (Germany). For each species, the catalogue mentions species name, author, where the name was first published, synonyms and / or notes on the names as found on the labels and holding places of the specimens in the various herbariums. So far, 2741 specimens attributed to Wied have been retrieved, dividided over 139 families, 569 genera, and 1197 vascular plant species, and a further 23 families, 36 generan and 52 species of cryptograms, including algae. The collections made by Wied are the earliest in Brazil and are a valuable contribution to our knowledge of the flora of the Atlantic rainforest and the dry vegetation (deciduous forest, savannah and caatinga) of Bahia in the early 19th century. More than 500 specimens are voucher specimens.