'! a most valuable addition to the library of any oceanographer - be they scientists, engineers, or managers. In fact, many other professionals - educators, elected officials, environmentalists - will find within its pages valuable and direct explanations of coastal phenomena ! marine biologists, chemists, and geologists will be well served in their personal development by reading Changing Sea Levels. Last, but certainly not least, students: Dr Pugh's book will most certainly be on the reading list at Florida Institute of Technology, and I strongly encourage my colleagues to do so at other universities with marine education and research programs.' Professor George A. Maul, Florida Institute of Technology 'This book is a valuable addition to the surprisingly limited literature on Tides and Mean Sea Level ! It is aimed at a wider audience than the author's previous book on the tides and manages to treat many of the subtle effects of tidal theory with a minimum of mathematics. The treatment is extended to cover the important and topical questions relating to the long term changes in mean sea level associated with climate change. The author gives a full and informative account of the careful methodology which is needed to resolve eustatic sea level rise from other changes that are occurring and illustrates some of the pitfalls involved in making deductions from limited sets of observations. A particular strength of the book is the well researched and balanced assessment of the current state of knowledge on the rate of sea level rise, its causes and its suspected acceleration.' Professor John Simpson University of Wales, Bangor '! David Pugh is very knowledgeable about this subject and he is a masterful communicator. This is an excellent book and I strongly recommend it !'. International Hydrographic Review 'The author has struck a nice balance, producing a text that is accessible without being watered down. This book will make a useful text for non-oceanography undergraduates with some mathematical proficiency.' Jay Austin, Old Dominion University, EOS '! very well written ! The material on tides is excellent ! The present broad interest in sea-level change demands that students in a wide range of disciplines have some exposure to the processes controlling sea-level variations. This book, aimed at undergraduates with disparate backgrounds, will be very useful for this purpose.' The Limnology and Oceanography Bulletin '! within its limits it has a great deal of information presented in a clear and readable way.' The Open University Geological Society Journal 'Tthis book has been specifically written for undergraduate courses in marine or coastal science where some interdisciplinary understanding is needed. As such, it is available addition to the literature, not least because of the clarity of exposition. The well ordered text is supported by numerous figures, tables and photographs, there is an excellent glossary of technical terms and mathematical explanation is kept to a basic level.' Geography 'Changing Sea Levels will also interest and inform professionals in many fields including hydrography, coastal engineering, geology, biology and also coastal planning and economic.' Management of Environmental Quality '! well designed and written, with judicious use of illustrations to present both concepts and real data.' The Leading Edge 'The book would benefit hydrographers, coastal engineers, environmental geologists, biologists, coastal planners, marine lawyers, and economists.' Environmental Geology 'David Pugh's book on sea levels is a well written, wide-ranging and up-to-date book that I found interesting to read, raised the odd eyebrow and made me think. I can give it no better recommendation than that.' Ocean Challenge ' ! the book provides a nicely written introduction to the scientific theory of sea level variations, and is mainly intended for undergraduate students in a variety of disciplines, although it may be attractive for many oceanographers and professionals involved in coastal research ! I was very much impressed by the excellent style of this book and the author's skill in presenting complicated questions of sea level theory in simple and understandable ways ! this book is valuable, well written, and timely. Undoubtedly, it will be useful for students and postgraduates in a broad range of disciplines. It would also be helpful for many specialists working in adjacent disciplines.' American Meteorological Society