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26 chapters examining the possible consequences of the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere on sea levels. Contributions cover Bermuda, the Antarctic, Bangladesh, Egypt, Netherlands, China, South America and Hong Kong.
First published in 1990.
List of contributors; Preface; Abbreviations list; Part I. Overview: 1. Climate and sea level change: a synthesis R. A. Warrick; Part II. Data: 2. Mean sea level changes in the recent past V. Gornitz; 3. Recent global sea levels and land levels D. G. Aubrey and K. O. Emery; 4. Improving sea level data D. T. Pugh; 5. Global absolute sea level: the Hawaiian and US Atlantic coast-Bermuda regional networks W. E. Carter, W. Scherer and J. M. Diamante; 6. Long-term changes in eustatic sea level M. J. Tooley; Part III. Projections: 7. Future changes in global mean temperature and sea level T. M. L. Wigley and S. C. B. Raper; 8. Possible future contributions to sea level change from small glaciers M. Kuhn; 9. Possible changes in the mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and their effects on sea level J. Oerlemans; 10. The Antarctic Peninsula contribution to future sea level rise J. G. Paren, C. S. M. Doake and D. A. Peel; 11. Model projections of CO2-induced equilibrium climate change M. E. Schlesinger; 12. Observational data on the relationships between climatic change and the frequency and magnitude of severe tropical storms S. C. B. Raper; Part IV. Impacts and Case Studies: 13. Geographic information systems and future sea level rise I. Shennan; 14. The storm surge problem and possible effects of sea level changes on coastal flooding in the Bay of Bengal R. A. Flather and H. Khandker; 15. Geographical complexities of detailed impact assessment for the Ganges-Brahmaputra Meghna delta of Bangladesh H. Brammer; 16. Possible impacts of, and adjustments to, sea level rise; the cases of Bangladesh and Egypt J. M. Broadus; 17. Impacts of sea level rise on coastal systems with special emphasis son the Mississippi River deltaic plain J. W. Day, W. H. Conner, R. Costanza, G. P. Kemp and I. A. Mendelssohn; 18. Sea level rise: assessing the problems H. G. Wind and E. B. Peerbolte; 19. Adjustment to greenhouse gas induced sea level rise on the Norfolk coast - a case study K. M. Clayton; 20. What will happen to The Netherlands if sea level rise accelerates? J. G. de Ronde 21. The vulnerability of the east coast of South America to sea level rise and possible adjustment strategies E. J. Schnack; 22. Future sea level rise in Hong Kong and possible environmental effects W. W. -S. Yim; Part V. Summaries and Recommendations: 23. Sea level changes P. L. Woodworth; 24. Severe tropical storms and storm surges A. B. Pittock and R. A. Flather; 25. Regional effects of sea level rise J. G. Titus; 26. Annex: Global mean temperature and sea level projections under the 1992 IPCC emissions scenarios T. M. L. Wigley and S. C. B. Raper; Index.
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