At last, a light and easy-to-use field guide to the rich lichen flora of Northeastern North America. The authors have designed this user-friendly guide for amateur naturalists, nature interpreters, forestry workers, land surveyors, researchers, and the general public. Meant to fit in a pocket or backpack, it requires no previous botanical experience and is written in non-technical language.
The 138 lichens in this guide are seen mostly in the Canadian Atlantic provinces, New England, Québec and eastern Ontario. Common Lichens of Northeastern North America is formatted so that each page is arranged by the surface each lichen grows on in the field, its shape or growth form, then by its color. Full color photographs and black and white drawings for each species also aid in identification.
Common Lichens of Northeastern North America is one of the few resources available that helps to make lichens accessible to non-specialists. Recognition of lichen species helps create a better understanding of the diversity as well as an appreciation of these often overlooked and under-studied organisms. Use this guide to get tuned into the ancient, fascinating and beautiful world of lichens-you can start in your own backyard!