Language: Romanian with 3-page English summary
This Romanian series, which started off in 1989, can be seen as a popular science precursor of the Handbook the Mammals of the World, with an aim of bringing together disparate information on mammals orders.
Volume 4 deals with burrowing mammals, those that have adapted to dig galleries, and tend to flee into them in case of danger, they build lairs to rest or for food reserves they collected on the ground. Some of them are so well adapted to life underground, that they barely come out on the soil surface, finding food throughout the galleries. Therefore not all the galleries dug by mammals have the same depth.
Summary in Romanian:
In volumul de fata cu mamiferele galericole ne vom referi numai la acelea care au adaptari sa-si sape galerii, in care obisnuiesc sa se refugieze in caz de pericol, isi construiesc cucusuri pentru odihna sau isi fac reserve de hrana pe care o culeg de pe sol. Unele dintre ele sunt atat de bine adaptate la viata subterana , ca nu ies deloc la suprafata solului, gasindu-si hrana tot in galerii. De aceea nu toate galeriile sapate de mamifere au aceasi adancime.