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Academic & Professional Books  Botany  Non-Vascular Plants  Lichens

Diversity and Ecology of Lichens in Polar and Mountain Ecosystems

Series: Bibliotheca Lichenologica Volume: 104
By: Josef Hafellner, Ingvar Karnefelt and Volkmar Wirth
389 pages, 71 figs, 8 tabs
Publisher: J. Cramer Verlag
Diversity and Ecology of Lichens in Polar and Mountain Ecosystems
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  • Diversity and Ecology of Lichens in Polar and Mountain Ecosystems ISBN: 9783443580834 Paperback Dec 2010 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-3 weeks
Price: £130.00
About this book Contents Customer reviews Related titles

About this book

Mountain ecosystems and cold deserts are especially rich in lichens and are excellent field laboratories to study them under various stress conditions. The 17 reviewed contributions in this volume cover lichens from the European Alps, tropical Africa, the La Soufri#re volcano and Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica.



Hafellner, J., Lange, O.L. & Wirth, V.: Roman Turk - Notizen zu Leben und Werk anl#sslich seines 65.

K#rnefelt, I., Thell, A., Fr#den, P. & Seaward, M.:
Austrian lichenologists exploring the Alps

Bilovitz, P.O. & Mayrhofer, H.: Lichenized and
lichenicolous fungi from the Sutjeska National Park
(Bosnia and Herzegovina), with special emphasis on
the virgin forest reserve Perucica

Breuss, O. & Berger, F.: Die Verrucaria-Arten
mit braunem Lager in den #sterreichischen Kalkalpen.
Eine vorl#ufige #bersicht mit Bestimmungsschl#ssel

Hafellner, J.: Contributions to a revision of lichenized,
phaeospored species of Polyblastia coll., mainly in
the Central European mountains

Hansen, E.S.: Lichens from five inland and coastal
localities in SouthWest Greenland and their present
climatic preferences in Greenland as regards
oceanity and continentality

Hauck, M.: The fate of arcticalpine lichens under rising
temperatures and changed land use in Lower
Saxony, northern Germany

Hertel, H. & Schuhwerk, F.: On saxicolous lecideoid
lichens growing in the European Alps at high

Jorgensen, P.M. & Tonsberg, T.: Leptogium insigne, a
new species from the Pacific Northwest of North

Obermayer, W. & Kalb, K.: Notes on three species of
Pyxine (lichenized Ascomycetes) from Tibet and
adjacent regions

Ovstedal, D.O. & Elix, J.A.: A new Stereocaulon from the
summit of the volcano La Soufri#re, Guadeloupe,
French Antilles

Thell, A., Westberg, M. & K#rnefelt, I.: A key to the
Parmeliaceae in the Alps with notes on their
distribution and phylogeny

Thor, G.: Macrolichens in Heimefrontfjella and Vestfjella,
Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica

Tibell, L. & Frisch, A.: New data on crustose mazaediate
lichens from tropical Africa

Timdal, E.: Porpidinia (Porpidiaceae), a new genus for
Toninia tumidula

Wilfling, A. & Hafellner, J.: Lichen diversity on marble
outcrops at mid to high elevations in the Eastern Alps

Wirth, V.: Zur nacheiszeitlichen Geschichte der
Flechtenbiota von W#ldern in Mitteleuropa, mit
besonderer Ber#cksichtigung der montanen
Buchenw#lder (Fagetalia)

List of taxonomic and nomenclatural novelties
Carbonea nivaria (Arnold) Rambold

Leptogium insigne P.M.Jorg. & Tonsberg

Stereocaulon soufrieranum Ovstedal & Elix

Calicium pluriseptatum Tibell & Frisch

Porpidinia Timdal

Porpidinia tumidula (Sm.) Timdal

Customer Reviews

Series: Bibliotheca Lichenologica Volume: 104
By: Josef Hafellner, Ingvar Karnefelt and Volkmar Wirth
389 pages, 71 figs, 8 tabs
Publisher: J. Cramer Verlag
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