Earth Resources and Environmental Impacts uses everyday examples and current issues to help readers understand how mineral, water and energy resources – and the impacts of their use and extraction – affect their daily lives.
A historical perspective makes the material in Earth Resources and Environmental Impacts fascinating by showing readers that the earth's resources have always been fundamental to society, even as far back as the Stone Age. Environmental impacts and sustainable use of energy and mineral resources are emphasized.
With the increase of public interest surrounding environmental impacts, readers will appreciate the knowledge gained from Earth Resources and Environmental Impacts.
Preface vii
Part 1 Earth Systems and Earth Materials
1 Introduction 2
2 Earth-System Science 31
3 Earth Materials I—Minerals 63
4 Earth Materials II—Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Rocks 98
Part 2 Mineral Resources
5 Ore Deposits and Mineral Exploration 132
6 Abundant and Scarce Metal Resources 167
7 Nonmetals and Industrial Minerals 211
8 Environmental Impacts of Metal Resources 248
Part 3 Energy Resources
9 Energy Perspectives 274
10 Carbon-Based Energy Resources 293
11 Environmental Impacts of Carbon-Based Energy 346
12 Noncarbon-Based Energy Resources 383
13 Environmental Impacts of Noncarbon-Based Energy 430
Part 4 Freshwater Resources
14 Water Resources 464
15 Environmental Impacts on Water Resources 506
Index 529