Our knowledge of the mammalian resources of the Eastern Ghats urged the need to explore the scientific management of these resources. The ignorance and lack of expertise in mammalian studies resulted in extinction of Cheetah in India. Basing on the intensive survey of the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh, the documentation of the mammalian resources together with status, distribution and ecology of mammalian fauna has been recorded. The forest areas of the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh consisting of 14 districts. 46 mammalian species in 9 Orders of Class Mammalian have been documented in this monograph. The habitat distribution, the habits, the activity pattern, the feed preferences and the Foraging strategies of all 46 species of mammals were mentioned in this volume. Human impact including Podu or Swifting cultivation has been observed as one of the population of mammals and disappearance of the important habitat. The conservation and management of the mammalian resources were conducted in 3 Core areas: (1) Papikonda Reserve Forest of the northern Region: (2) Srisailam Tiger Sanctuary of the Central Region, and (3) Seshachalam Ranges of Southern Region of the Eastern Ghats of Andhra Pradesh.