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Provides a summary of the interactions between humans and plants from early history to the present day, including a discussion of molecular methods in the study and alteration of crops.
1 Plants and Their Manipulation by People2 Origins of Agriculture3 Fruits and Nuts of Temperate Regions4 Fruits and Nuts of Warm Regions5Cereal Grains and Forage Grasses6 Legumes7 Foods from Leaves, Stems, and Roots8 Spices, Herbs, and Perfumes9 Vegetable Oils and Waxes10 Hydrogels, Elastic Latexes, and Resins11 Medicinal Plants12 Psychoactive Drugs and Poisons from Plants13 Stimulating Beverages14 Alcoholic Beverages15 Fibers, Dyes, and Tannins16 Wood, Cork, and Bamboo17 Ornamental Plants18 Algae19 Uses of Plants in the Future
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