Language: English
Volume 10, is the fifth volume of Dicotyledons. It includes 37 families (Ranunculaceae to Zygophyllaceae) with 240 genera and 593 species (Including a few subspecies and varieties). In terms of the number of species reported from Bangladesh in this volume the family Rubiaceae is the largest family consisting of 170 species and Verbenaceae with 65 species is the second largest. The following nine families Salicaceae, Santalaceae, Saururaceae, Schisandraceae, Sphenocleaceae, Styracaceae, Tropaeolaceae, Turneraceae and Zygophyllaceae are each represented in Bangladesh by one single species. This volume includes a few taxonomically important plants such as Hedyotis thomsoni Hook. f and Tarenna scandens (Roxb.) Good (Family Rubiaceae), Limnophila cana Griff. (Scrophulariaceae) and Cissus sicyoides Roxb. (Vitaceae) are endemic to Bangladesh. This volume also includes many species which are now endangered or rare in Bangladesh.