Language: English
This particular volume of the Encyclopedia, Volume 9, is the fourth volume of Dicotyledons. It includes 40 families (Magnoliaceae-Punicaceae) with 158 genera and 452 species (including few varieties). In terms of the number of species reported from Bangladesh in this volume the family Moraceae is the largest family consisting of 58 species and Malvaceae with 44 species is the second largest. The following eight families, Myricaceae, Nelumbonaceae, Nepenthaceae, Nyssaceae, Opiliaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Polemoniaceae and Punicaceae are each represented in Bangladesh by one single species. This volume includes a few taxonomically important plants such as Knema bengalensis de Wilde of Myristicaceae is endemic to Bangladesh. This volume also includes many species which are now endangered or rare in Bangladesh.