In the summer of 1999, an international group of experts convened in Jerusalem, Israel, in order to define the major environmental challenges facing humanity at the dawn of the new millennium and - where possible - propose ways of addressing them. Almost 50 selected articles are collected in the present book, which constitutes a striking interdisciplinary combination of state-of-the-art science with the latest views on environmental law, education, and international cooperation. Whilst a major fraction of the book is devoted to water-related issues (water quality monitoring, water and wastewater treatment, water-based international cooperation, and more), other sections deal with timely topics relating to air pollution, biodiversity, conservation, and education. The book is intended for environmental scientists, professionals, and students of all disciplines.
Reprinted from WATER, AIR, & SOIL POLLUTION, 123, 2000.
I: Water Quality Monitoring. 1. Status of the Drinking Water Standards Program in the United States; H.J. Brass. 2. Recent Developments in Microbiotesting and Early Millennium Prospects; C. Blaise, et al. 3. Biological Stability: A Multidimensional Quality Aspect of Treated Water; D. van der Kooij. 4. From Media to Molecules: New Approaches to the Detection of Micro-Organisms in Water; C.R. Fricker. 5. Enzymatic Detection of Coliforms and Escherichia coli Within 4 Hours; H. Nelis, S. van Poucke. 6. Detection of Infectious Cryptosporidium Parvum Oocysts in Environmental Water Samples Using an Integrated Cell Culture-PCR (CC-PCR) System; M.W. Lechevallier, et al. 7. Genotoxicity in German Surface Waters -- Result of a Collaborative Study; G. Reifferscheid, T. Grummt. 8. Blazing Towards the Next Millennium: Luciferase Fusions to Identify Genes Responsive to Environmental Stress; D.C. Alexander, et al. 9. Identification of New Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products from Ozone, Chlorine Dioxide, Chloramine, and Chlorine; S.D. Richardson, et al. 10. Ecotoxicological Indicators of Water Quality: Using Multi-Response Indicators to Assess the Health of Aquatic Ecosystems; S.M. Adams, M.S. Greeley. II: Water and Wastewater Treatment. 11. Ecological Engineering of Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment; C.P.L. Grady Jr., C.D.M. Filipe. 12. Biodegradation of Recalictrant Components of Organic Mixtures; E.D. Schroeder, et al. 13. Application of Biofilms and Biofilm Support Materials as a Temporary Sink and Source; P.A. Wilderer, et al. 14. Effective Management and Operation of Coagulation and Filtration; G.S. Logsdon. 15. Wastewater Reclamation for Agricultural Reuse in Israel: Trends and Experimental Results; A. Brenner, et al. 16. Biological Denitrification of Groundwater; M.I.M. Soares. III: Air Pollution and Control. 17. Towards a Science-Based Integrated Ozone-Fine Particle Control Strategy; R.L. Tanner. 18. An Assessment of the Mobile Source Contribution to PM10 and PM2.5 in the United States; A.W. Gertler, et al. 19. Characterisation of Individual Aerosol Particles for Atmospheric and Cultural Heritage Studies; R. van Grieken, et al. 20. Reactive Halogen Species in the Mid-Latitude Troposphere -- Recent Discoveries; U. Platt. 21. Hydrogen Sulfide and Odor Control in Izmir Bay; A. Muezzinoglu, et al. 22. Inventory of Emissions of Greenhouse Gases in Israel; J. Koch, et al. IV: Risk Assessment, Diversity and Conservation. 23. Analysis of Uncertainty and Variability in Exposure to Characterize Risk: Case Study Involving Trichloroethylene Groundwater Contamination at Beale Air Force Base in California; J.I. Daniels, et al. 24. Biological Diversity -- An Overview; M. Waldman, Y. Shevah. 25. Restoration of the Rivers in Israel's Coastal Plain; Y. Bar-Or. 26. Lake Kinneret (Israel) Ecosystem: Long-Term Instability or Resiliency?; M. Gophen. 27. Effect of the Environment on the Bacterial Bleaching of Corals; E. Banin, et al. V: Environmental Law, Economy and Management. 28. Better Laws = Better Environment; the Role of the Environmental Lawyer in the Reconstruction and Modernisation of the Water Sector in Private Sector Participation; I.C. Sinclair. 29. European Environmental Tax Law and Policy: Greenspeak!; K. Deketelaere. 30. The Use of Economic Instruments and Green Taxes to Complement an Environmental Regulatory Regime; R. Hawkins. 31. The Land and Environment Court of New South Wales: A Model for Environmental Protection; M. Pearlman. 32. Practice, Policy, and Pedagogy in a Mandatory Environmental Law Course; M.A. Wolf, J.B. Eisen. 33. The Great Sydney Water Crisis of 1998; P.L. Stein. 34. Catchment Basin Management of Water; R.E. Laster. 35. Sustainability Law for the New Millennium and the Role of Environmental Legal Education; B. Boer. VI: Environmental Education. 36. A Future For Sustainability? B. Jickling. 37. Transdisciplinarity in Groundwater Management -- Towards Mutual Learning of Science and Society; R.W. Scholz, et al. 38. Sustainable Environmental Education for a Sustainable Environment: Lessons from Thailand for Other Nations; J. Gallagher, et al. 39. Pollution Prevention: A New Paradigm for Engineering Education; P.L. Bishop. 40. Towards Excellence in Environmental Education; A View From the United States; B. Simmons. 41. Environmental and Agricultural Literacy Education; D. Hubert, et al. VII: International Environmental Cooperation. 42. The Upcoming Challenge: Transboundary Management of the Hydraulic cycle; E. Feitelson. 43. The Quest for Water Efficiency -- Restructuring of Water Use in the Middle East; P. Beaumont. 44. Turkish Waters: Source of Regional Conflict or Catalyst for Peace? G.E. Gruen. 45. Interactions Among Scientists, Managers and the Public in Defining Research Priorities and Management Strategies for Marine and Coastal Resources: Is the Red Sea Marine Peace Park a New Paradigm? M.P. Crosby, et al. 46. The Production of Microbiologically Safe Effluents for Wastewater Reuse in the Middle East and North Africa; D.D. Mara. 47. Are the Conflicts between Israel and her Neighbors over the Waters of the Jordan River Basin an Obstacle to Peace? Israel-Syria as a Case Study; H.I. Shuval.