Language: German
Having trouble separating your scops from your screech owls, Tengmalm's from Tawny Owl or Collared and Spotted Owlets? Then this is the book for you. Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide is the ultimate photographic resource dedicated to the identification of these charismatic, largely nocturnal birds of prey. Owls of the World: A Photographic Guide contains lavish and spectacular photography from dozens of the world's finest natural history photographers, covering all of the world's 250 species of owls; particular attention is given to subspecific differences, sexing and ageing. The photos are accompanied by concise text on the identification, habitat, food, distribution and voice of these birds, along with accurate range maps. The definitive work on owl identification, no birder's bookshelf should be without it!
Summary in German:
Vom kleinsten Kauz, dem Elfenkauz aus Nordamerika, über die afrikanische Nordbüscheleule bis zum größten Vertreter, dem europäischen Uhu: Dieses Buch behandelt erstmals alle weltweit vorkommenden 249 Eulenarten. Die Fotos bilden
nahezu alle Federkleider und Unterarten ab, die für Eulenbestimmung unerlässlich sind. Umfassende Texte informieren über Kennzeichen, Rufe, Jagd, Verbreitung, Gefährdung, Variationen und ähnliche Arten.