A well-documented, beautifully photographed, year-long daily account of what common backyard bird species do and how their behaviours change over the course of a year. Guided by an experienced birder, you'll know what to look for and how to attract and observe birds in your own backyard and by watching and chronicling how they behave, you'll begin to understand them better. You'll see how their actions change season to season, month to month, sometimes day to day. By peeking into their secret lives and unravelling the mysteries of their daily behaviour you'll find your bird-viewing pleasure enriched.
Sharon Sorenson writes the biweekly For the Birds column for the Evansville (IN) Sunday Courier and Press and regularly teaches birding classes and presents workshops for groups including Master Gardeners, the Nature Conservancy, and various Audubon chapters. She is the author of Birds in the Yard Month by Month (Stackpole, 2013) and Planting Native to Attract Birds to Your Yard (Stackpole, 2018) as well as a number of student reference books, including How to Write Research Papers, How to Write Short Stories, and Webster's New World Student Writing Handbook. She lives in Mount Vernon, Indiana.