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Iberia, Land of Glaciers How The Mountains Were Shaped By Glaciers

By: Marc Oliva(Editor), David Palacios(Editor), José M Fernández-Fernández(Editor)
618 pages
Publisher: Elsevier
Iberia, Land of Glaciers
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  • Iberia, Land of Glaciers ISBN: 9780128219416 Paperback Sep 2021 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Price: £129.00
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About this book

Iberia, Land of Glaciers: How The Mountains Were Shaped By Glaciers aims to discuss the impact of past glaciers in the current landscape of Iberia. Currently, there are only small glaciers in the highest peaks of the Pyrenees that are the legacy of the last cold period that ended at the end of the 19th century: The Little Ice Age. However, an accurate observation of the landscape of the highest peaks and adjacent valleys of the Iberian Peninsula reveals a past shaped by the successive passage of glaciers with hundreds of meters of ice, similar to what happens today in the Alps or Patagonia.

Iberian glaciation has resulted in ice expansion through valleys that are now used by the road network and where important populations settle; in addition, large accumulations of sediments deposited by those glaciers are still unstable today and can trigger risks for mountain populations. Iberia, Land of Glaciers presents the impact of the glaciers in the landscape of mountains following a more educational perspective with examples of fifteen Iberian massifs written by specialists from each of the areas.


Introduction / Marc Oliva, David Palacios, José María Fernández-Fernández

1. The impact of the Quaternary Ice Ages on the landscape / David Palacios, Marc Oliva, José María Fernández-Fernández
2. Quaternary ice ages in the Iberian Peninsula / Isabel Cacho
3. The Glacial Landscapes of the Iberian Peninsula within the Mediterranean region / Philip D. Hughes
4. The Iberian Peninsula: from paleoglaciers to the current glaciers / Marc Oliva, David Palacios, José María Fernández-Fernández
      4.1 The glaciers of the Southeastern Pyrenees / Ferran Salvador-Franch, Nuria Andrés, Antonio Gómez-Ortiz, David Palacios
      4.2 The glaciers of the Central-Eastern Pyrenees / Josep Ventura, Valentí Turu
      4.3 The glaciers of the Central-Western Pyrenees / José M. García-Ruiz, Enrique Serrano
      4.4 The glaciers of the eastern massifs of Cantabria, the Burgos Mountains and the Basque Country / Enrique Serrano; Manuel Gómez-Lende; María José González-Amuchastegui
      4.5 The glaciers of the Montaña Palentina / Ramón Pellitero
      4.6 The glaciers of the western massifs of Cantabria / Enrique Serrano, Manuel Gómez-Lende, Alfonso Pisabarro
      4.7 The glaciers in the Redes Natural Park / Montserrat Jiménez-Sánchez, Laura Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Saúl González-Lemos, María José Domínguez-Cuesta
      4.8 The glaciers of the Picos de Europa / Jesús Ruiz-Fernández, Cristina García-Hernández, David Gallinar Cañedo
      4.9 The glaciers of the Central-Western Asturian Mountains / Jesús Ruiz-Fernández; Benjamín González-Díaz, David Gallinar Cañedo, Cristina García-Hernández
      4.10. The glaciers of the Leonese Cantabrian Mountains / Javier Santos-González, José María Redondo-Vega, Alipio García-de Celis, Rosa Blanca González-Gutiérrez, Amelia Gómez-Villar
      4.11 The glaciers of the Montes de León / José María Redondo-Vega, Javier Santos-González, Rosa Blanca González-Gutiérrez, Amelia Gómez-Villar
      4.12 The glaciers around Lake Sanabria / Laura Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Montserrat Jiménez-Sánchez, María José Domínguez-Cuesta, Saúl González-Lemos
      4.13 The glaciers in Western Galicia / Marcos Valcarcel, Augusto Pérez-Alberti
      4.14 The glaciers in Eastern Galicia / Augusto Pérez-Alberti, Marcos Valcarcel
      4.15 The glaciers of the Peneda, Amarela, and Gerês-Xurés massifs / Augusto Pérez-Alberti
      4.16 The glaciers of Serra da Estrela / Gonçalo Vieira, Barbara Woronko
      4.17 The glaciers of the Iberian Range / José M. García-Ruiz
      4.18 The glaciers of the Sierra de Gredos / Rosa M. Carrasco, Javier Pedraza, David Palacios
      4.19 The glaciers of the Sierras de Guadarrama and Somosierra / Rosa M. Carrasco, Javier Pedraza, David Palacios
      4.20 The glaciers of the Sierra Nevada / Antonio Gómez-Ortiz, Marc Oliva, David Palacios, Ferran Salvador-Franch
      4.21 The existing glaciers of the Iberian Peninsula: The Central Pyrenees / Enrique Serrano
5. Iberia: Land of the ancient glaciers / Marc Oliva, David Palacios, José María Fernández-Fernández

Customer Reviews


Marc Oliva holds a PhD in Geography from the Universitat de Barcelona, where he is now enrolled as a research scientist and leads a research group on Antarctic, Arctic and Alpine Environments. He has carried out research and teaching activities in universities of Portugal, Canada, Switzerland, Spain and Russia. He has participated in eight expeditions to Antarctica and four to the High Arctic. Apart from the Polar Regions, he has also conducted research in other mountain regions (the Rocky Mountains, Alps, N Iceland, Pamir, Tien Shan, Pyrenees, Cantabrian Mountains), which has provided him with a wide comprehension of Earth surface processes in cold-climate environments. His research interests include the study of geomorphological processes and past environments and climate in the Polar Regions and high mountains using a wide range of natural records (glacial, periglacial, lacustrine).

David Palacios is a full Professor of Physical Geography at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). He has been the coordinator of Spanish National Projects, uninterruptedly since 1998 to the present, and the Spanish coordinator of two European Projects obtained a maximum evaluation in their results. Founder and director for twelve years of the High Mountain Physical Geography excellence research group, where he has been the advisor of several doctoral theses. Author of more than two hundred international research papers, more than one hundred chapters and editor of five books. In his research, he has shown a constant concern to know how, when and why the deglaciation of the mountain and polar areas occurred during the Late Pleistocene and Holocene and its impact on geodiversity, biodiversity and in the strategies for territorial planning. His areas of study extend to the Iberian Mountains, Northern Iceland, Western United States, Mexican volcanoes, Peruvian Andes, Tierra del Fuego, Peninsula Antarctica and Greenland.

José M. Fernández-Fernández holds a PhD in Geography from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, where he researched within the High Mountain Physical Geography Research Group. Since December 2019, he joined the Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Território (IGOT, Universidade de Lisboa), where he is involved in the «NUNANTAR» Project, for the analysis of nunataks as key proxies of palaeoenvironmental evolution in the Antarctic Peninsula. During his PhD, he did research in several mountains of Iceland (Tröllaskagi Peninsula), the Iberian Peninsula (Iberian Range, NW Ranges, Cantabrian Mountains, Pyrenees), and in one expedition to Antarctica (South Shetland Islands). His research is focused on the glacial evolution at different time scales, the origin and dynamic of rock glaciers and debris-covered glaciers and the application of surface exposure dating and Geographic Information Systems to achieve palaeoenvironmental reconstructions.

By: Marc Oliva(Editor), David Palacios(Editor), José M Fernández-Fernández(Editor)
618 pages
Publisher: Elsevier
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