Language: German, with English and Spanish summary and obituary excerpt
During three decades of the 20th century (1920-1950) Krasske was an important author in the field of diatom research, viewed from the geobotanical and taxonomic perspective. Altogether 270 descriptions of new taxa from Central-Europe, Scandinavia,,$ the Arctic, Asia Minor and South America were counted. It might be that his 123 taxa from South America are of special interest because comparatively little is known about the diatom flora of this continent.
This documentation contains the protologues (including figures) of all the taxa introduced by Krasske. Moreover, all these taxa – so far available in his collection – are represented by new microphotographs of the holotypes, lectotypes and/or other specimens from the type-slides or other authentic slides. Photographs are necessary since his diagrammatic figures are mostly of poor quality, and are therefore less significant. Many are hardly appropriate to recognize the depicted taxa.
In addition, some illegitimate taxa introduced by Krasske under manuscript names have been photographed. In several cases taxa or specimens, which have been taken from elsewhere and not from Krasske's collection, are shown for comparison.
Another aim of this monograph is to evaluate Krasske's taxa critically from the contemporary and likewise from the recent point of view.