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Imaging Life Biological Systems from Atoms to Tissues

By: Gary C Howard(Editor), William E Brown(Editor), Manfried Auer(Editor)
432 pages, 116 illustrations
Imaging Life
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  • Imaging Life ISBN: 9780195314434 Hardback Sep 2014 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 months
Price: £83.00
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About this book

Imaging Life provides an overview of a variety of approaches to biological image analysis, which allow for the study of living organisms at all levels of complexity and organization. These organisms range from individual macromolecules to subcellular and cellular volumes, tissues and microbial communities. Such a "systems biology" understanding of life requires the combination of a variety of imaging techniques, and with it an in-depth understanding of their respective strengths and limitations, as well as their intersection with other techniques. Howard, Brown, and Auer show us that the integration of these imaging techniques will allow us to overcome the reductionist approach to biology that dominated the twentieth century, which was aimed at examining the physical and chemical properties of life's constituents, one macromolecule at a time. However, while based on the laws of physics and chemistry, life is not simply a set of chemical reactions and physical forces; it features an exquisite spatiotemporal organization that allows an inconceivably large number of chemical processes to coexist, refined by billions of years of evolutionary experimentation.

And yet, many fundamental questions remain largely unanswered; Imaging Life argues that we are just now beginning to address the spatiotemporal organizational component of living processes. "Imaging" is needed in order to reveal the spatiotemporal relationships between components, and thus to understand organizational guiding principles of living systems. Only through imaging will we be able to decipher the mechanisms and the marvelous organization that enable and sustain the mystery of life. Imaging Life shows us how biology is beginning to do just that.


1. Imaging life
Manfred Auer and Gary C. Howard
Part I: Imaging the Macromolecular Inventory
Structure and Mechanistic Function of the Building Blocks
Introduction to Section 1
Manfred Auer, Natalia Pinzon, and Gary Howard
2. Protein crystallography and x-ray diffraction
John P. Rose, M. Gary Newton and Bi-Cheng Wang
3. Magnetic resonance in structural biology
G. Marius Clore
4. Cryo-electron microscopy
Phoebe Stewart
5. Single-molecule imaging and force spectroscopy by atomic force microscopy
K. Tanuj Sapra and Daniel J. Muller
6. Coherent x-ray diffraction imaging with free-electron lasers
Stefan Hau-Riege
Imaging Cellular and Tissue Architecture
How It All Fits Together to Sustain Life
Introduction to Section 2
Manfred Auer, Natalia Pinzon, and Gary Howard
7. Bridging the resolution gap: Electron tomography and advanced three-dimensional SEM approaches for cellular volumes
Manfred Auer
8. Correlated soft x-ray tomography and cryo-light microscopy
Elizabeth A. Smith, Bertrand P. Cinquin, Gerry McDermott, Mark A. Le Gros and Carolyn A. Larabell
9. Breaking Abbe's law: Super-accuracy and super-resolution fluorescence microscopy based on single molecule detection
Sethuramasundaram Pitchiaya, John R. Androsavich and Nils G. Walter
10. Superresolution STED microscopy
Valentin Nägerl
11. Imaging the (macro)molecular composition: Mass spectrometry imaging
Brendan Prideaux
12. Non-destructive molecular mapping and imaging: Synchotron FTIR spectral imaging
Hoi-Ying Holman and Liang Chen
13. Raman spectroscopic imaging of biological systems
Martin Schmidt, Pradeep N. Perera, Alexander Weber-Bargioni, Paul D. Adams, and P. James Schuck
14. Automated microscopic imaging and survival statistics
Steven Finkbeiner
Modeling of Complex Biological Functions
Introduction to Section 3
Manfred Auer, Natalia Pinzon, and Gary Howard
15. From voxel maps to models
Chandrajit Bajaj
16. Building and using 3D digital atlases of complex model animals at single-cell resolution
Hanchuan Peng
17. Quo vadis, imaging
Manfred Auer and Gary C. Howard

Customer Reviews


Throughout his career, Gary Howard has been a part of the academic, biotech, and publishing scientific communities. In addition, he has experience in multiple experimental systems, including mouse, human, and Drosophila.

Since 2004, Manfried Auer has been a staff scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and has been the Director of Physical Analysis at the Joint Bioenergy Institute since 2008. Throughout his career, he has been researching protein structures, cellular and tissue structures using advanced electron microscopy techniques.

The late William E. Brown was professor of biological sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. From 1993 to 2000, he served as department head. Dr. Brown received his doctorate in biochemistry in the laboratory of Finn Wold at the University of Minnesota and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in biophysics in the laboratory of Fred Richards at Yale University.

By: Gary C Howard(Editor), William E Brown(Editor), Manfried Auer(Editor)
432 pages, 116 illustrations
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