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This authoritative handbook addresses how the Precautionary Principle is implemented in different sectors, and examines its successes, failures, strengths and weaknesses in implementation. Sectors and subjects covered include chemicals, GMOs, the Law of the Sea, fisheries and nature conservation, and the book draws on cases in the EU and Nordic countries, where use of the Principle is highly advanced.
Ultimately, the book provides an indispensable appraisal of the question as to whether the Precautionary Principle is relevant to avert major environmental and health risks, and how and when it can be used successfully. Includes an annex of legal instruments that enshrine the Precautionary Principle.
Introduction, Origin, Status and Effects of the Precautionary Principle * PART I: European Community Law * The Precautionary Principle in European Community Health and Environment Law: Sword or Shield for the Nordic Countries? * PART II: Comparative Analysis of the Precautionary Principle in the Nordic Countries * Denmark * Finland * Iceland * Norway * Status of Precaution in the Nordic Countries: A Comparative Analysis * PART III: The Precautionary Principle and the Law of the Sea - A Nordic Perspective * The Precautionary Principle and the Helsinki Commission * The Precautionary Approach and Fisheries: A Nordic Perspective * PART IV: Precaution, Genetically Modified Organisms and Biodiversity * Uncertainty and Precaution: Challenges and Implications for Science and the Policy of Genetically Modified Organisms * Genetically Modified Organisms in European Union Law * Genetically Modified Organisms and Precaution in Norwegian Law * Genetically Modified Organisms and Precaution in Finnish and Swedish Law * The Precautionary Principle and Nature Conservation Law: EU and Danish Experiences * PART V: The Precautionary Principle and Chemicals * The Precautionary Principle in Swedish Chemicals Law and Policy * Risks, Costs and Alternatives in European Community Environmental Legislation * The Impact of the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) Regulation on the Regulatory Powers of the Nordic Countries * The Legacy of the Precautionary Principle in US Law * Conclusion, Lessons From International, EU and Nordic Legal Regimes.*
Customer Reviews
Nicolas de Sadeleer was recipient of an EU Marie Curie Chair at the University of Oslo on risks and precaution. He is currently professor of law at different universities in Belgium as well as in France. De Sadeleer?s areas of research and teaching include EC and environmental law, topics on which he publishes and speaks intensively.